Effects of Peer Tutoring on Pre-Service Teachers’ Physics Performance in Colleges of Education, Ghana
At Atebubu College of Education, the study attempted to determine the impacts of peer tutoring on gender and senior High school background courses of pre-service teachers in physics. To achieve the purpose of the study an action research design was used and a total number of 140 (78 males and 62 females) who are offering primary Education program were purposively selected. The major research tools were accomplishment tests, which were used to collect quantitative data from pre-service teachers. Using the independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA to analyse the quantitative data. It was found that the male students’ performance in Physics (M = 8.81, SD = 0.927) does not significantly differ from that of the female students’ (M = 8.65, SD = 0.925) as a result of the peer tutoring method adopted for the study. The results of the one-way ANOVA show that there are no differences in the mean score of the pre-service teachers’ performance in Physics and their senior High School course background. It is therefore recommended among other things that the principals and head of science departments of Colleges of Education in Ghana should organise workshops, seminars and in-service training on how to utilize peer tutoring method effectively in teaching scientific concepts to pre-service teachers they training.
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