
Teachers are a critical factor in quality education. They contribute to the academic development and socialisation of students, and school improvement. Schools that attract and retain quality teachers can facilitate attainment of these broader educational goals. Teacher retention in education systems and schools entails the development of policies and practices to attract and retain high-quality teachers and leaders. It is not just about keeping teachers in schools, but also reducing attrition, especially among beginning teachers. If good teachers are to remain in the teaching profession and work best to support learners, they must have an endearing and supporting working environment that recognises and promotes their effort in multiple ways. In this paper, which employs a desk review research methodology, we review relevant research literature to identify key policy factors that affect teacher retention in schools and propose policy and practice recommendations that can minimise attrition in education systems, including special lessons for Ghana. Additionally, we define quality education and argue for increasing teacher retention and decreasing attrition.


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