Factors Affecting Trainees’ Performance in Organic Chemistry in Colleges of Education in Ghana
This study aimed to investigate the underlying fundamental causes of trainees’ poor performance in organic chemistry. For the study, a descriptive survey design was employed. In all, 182 level 300 science students from four Colleges of Education in the Ashanti, Bono, Bono East and Ahafo regions which constitute the ASHBA zone were purposively selected. Participants in the study were given a set of self-created questionnaires to fill out in order to get their opinions on the perceived causes of trainees’ poor performance in organic chemistry. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively using factor analysis. The results from the study showed that teacher factors, student factors and school related factors affect trainee’s low performance in organic chemistry. It was therefore recommended that colleges must provide a conducive environment and teaching learning materials for teachers to use appropriate teaching methodology to help trainees enhance their performance.
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