
Online learning has become a new trend in Indonesian educational practices due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the teaching and learning process changes from face-to-face to online, conducting online assessments has become a requirement. The shift brings some challenges and opportunities. This study attempts to describe the challenges and opportunities of implementing online assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. A library research method was implied by analyzing related research articles conducted between 2020-2022. The research procedures adapt George’s (2008) library research model. The findings reveal three challenges related to internet connectivity and the consequence of indirect interactions between the students and instructors. The first challenge is that online assessment is costly. Both teachers and students are required to pay the costs of internet access, own a digital device, and possess digital literacy. The second challenge is the possible problem of cheating and plagiarism. The next challenge is difficulty to follow students’ progress, interact effectively with them, and handle-less motivated and discouraged students. However, there are some opportunities as far as online assessment is concerned. There is more flexibility with time and space, direct and immediate feedback to students, strategies to deal with students’ anxiety, encouraging autonomous learning, increasing knowledge and experiences in online language assessment, and time management skill.


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