
Despite the high prevalence of co-teaching in EFL classes around the globe because of its numerous advantages, it is noticed that its implementation is below the expectation in the Moroccan context because of various reasons. This article’s fundamental objectives are twofold: It investigates the successful implementation of this approach from teacher trainers’ perspectives and the appropriate model that can be applied smoothly and successfully in the Moroccan EFL context. An online questionnaire is used to collect data about teacher trainers’ attitudes toward the suitable model that can be applied in the Moroccan English classes. The preliminary results of this article unveil that teacher trainers have a positive attitude toward the implementation of co-teaching. Nonetheless, there are some individual, psychological, and institutional constraints that impede its implementation. Therefore, getting rid of individual culture and encouraging the habit of co-operating among pupils along with recruiting more professional teacher trainers to raise teachers’ trainees and experienced teachers’ awareness of the importance of this approach are the most effective solution to apply it successfully in Moroccan EFL classrooms.


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