An Integrated RME and PIL Mathematics Module for Technical Vocational High School Learning: A Need Analysis
Text-based learning resources play an essential role in supporting students’ mathematics learning. However, there are still limited studies about developing mathematics modules as one of text-based learning resources for Technical Vocational High School (TVHS) students. Therefore, this study investigates the need to develop an integrated Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and Project-based Inquiry Learning (PIL) mathematics module for TVHS learning. This study is a descriptive survey involving 66 tenth grade TVHS students and 21 TVHS mathematics teachers in a sub-urban area of Central Java, Indonesia. Moreover, it also involves ten mathematics lecturers who teach “teaching mathematics for secondary school learning” courses from public and private universities in Indonesia. The data collection was conducted using printed questionnaires (for students) and online questionnaires (for teachers and lecturers). The data was summarized and analyzed descriptively. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that there are still limited realistic problems in Indonesian mathematics textbooks for TVHS students. Therefore, developing an integrated RME and PIL mathematics module is necessary. The characteristics of the integrated RME and PIL mathematics module are: (1) The module’s content should be presented in Bahasa Indonesia, providing realistic contexts by the area of expertise of the TVHS students and contexts across fields; (2) The learning activities should be carried out in groups, inside classrooms, involves creating projects not only by the area of expertise of the TVHS students, and the project results are displayed directly in an exhibition gallery; (3) The learning media can use both manual and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based tools; (4) The assessment can be conducted in both written and authentic assessments.
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