
Self-confidence as an important psychological component in the academic learning process is always interesting to review in various situations and learning models for physical education students, both in schools and colleges environment. Reinforcement that strengthens the quality of students’ self-confidence is something that might have a significant impact on improving students’ cognitive and even overall learning outcomes. This study aims to investigate the effect of reinforcement performed by the teacher on students’ self-confidence, as well as to reveal the effect of self-confidence itself on student learning outcomes cognitively. The self-confidence instrument used in this study was a self-confidence questionnaire, totaling 38 questions, which were addressed to 38 research sample students of physical education at universities. The confidence level of the samples themselves became the reference for categorizing the research samples into samples based on gender with high and low levels of confidence. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental test with 3 stages of testing to determine the cognitive abilities of students before and after the learning process, as many as 12 face-to-face meetings. The learning process is carried out using a collaborative learning model with the peer-teaching method carried out by 12 groups in turns. The data were then analyzed using statistical software with the conclusion of a significant effect between the confidence level of the samples on their cognitive abilities, and the reinforcement to enhance the student’s self-confidence carried out by the teacher in the middle of the learning process affected significantly in increasing the cognitive abilities of the samples in following the learning process.


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