
The purpose of this research is to develop a set of refutation texts as supplement texts to overcome misconceptions and to improve conceptual understandings on the Lunar phases. The method used is research and development in education. Overall, the research consists of three stages, namely preliminary study, product development, and evaluation. The refutation text was developed based on Posner et al. (1982) conceptual change model. The results for the preliminary study stage obtained nine prototype of refutation texts, namely for the concepts of the Earth’s natural satellite, the source of moonlight, the rotation and revolution of the earth, the rotation and revolution of the Moon, the direction of the daily motion of the Moon, Lunar phases, solar eclipses, Lunar eclipses, and causes of the tides. A set of refutation texts can be used in teaching the Lunar phase material in high school. Further research is needed to see the effectiveness of the Lunar phase refutation text in remediating students’ misconceptions and increasing their concept understanding and the longevity of the substitute concepts.


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