
Artificial Intelligence and related technologies represent a major advance in the human capacity to produce knowledge from different areas of knowledge. The application of these technologies in repetitive human activities that can be learned by a machine is already a constant in society, but their use in education still needs research, especially pedagogical research, which can make it clear how AI can contribute effectively to teaching and learning processes, since these processes are marked not only by cognitive characteristics, but also by cultural and emotional aspects. Having identified this gap, we conducted a qualitative study with students and teachers from four EU countries in order to find out what they know about the use of technologies and AI in education, what are their concrete needs and the recommendations of teachers on the pedagogical use of AI in education. This is a contribution to the gap identified by other authors in research on AI and education. This study gives voice to the participants and addresses the issue from the perspective of education. The results point to (1) A knowledge of the topic only from the perspective of users, (2) High expectations of the impact of AI on education (3) Recommendations of adapting AI to learning purposes, (4) Attention to guarantees of inclusion, citizenship, and democracy.


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