To What Extend Are Learning Strategies related to Successful Learners in Writing IELTS in Indonesia
Amongst four skills tested in IELTS, writing IELTS is considered to be one of the most challenging language skills to master. It is believed that writing for second language learners is arguably the strenuous skill to be used in attaining communicative competence. Therefore, discussing learning strategies and good language learners related to IELTS task 2 using four IELTS assessment criteria is still interesting. Considering the significances of all strategies classification, it can be justified those strategies could be very helpful in Writing IELTS Task 2. Particularly, writing IELTS would be significantly improved by using Cognitive, metacognitive, and affective strategies. The reason is that cognitive strategies relate to practicing as the main regular improvement in writing IELTS, Metacognitive strategies connect to planning and brainstorming, and Affective strategies relate to emotional control including anxiety. However, there are some aspects that have to be considered in order to overcome possible problems and strategic limitations. First, there should be explicit instruction and steps from teachers to apply for all of them. Second, Learner should have a capability to distinguish and choose appropriate strategies.
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