
The purpose of this article is to analyze ways to integrate the project approach into educational programs, taking into account the experience of Russian and foreign universities. An analysis of the research problem field has shown that over the past 10 years higher education institutions have significantly changed the traditional educational programs moving to open curricula, as well as project and problem-based approaches. In general, the modification of educational programs is aimed at strengthening their practice orientation to real industrial cases.

The novelty of the work can be expressed by systematic analysis of various approaches to integrate project method into the educational models of the following universities: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD); Olin College of Engineering; Aalborg University; TU Delft Iron Range Engineering; Singapore Polytechnic University.

Over the past few years, the concept of the traditional implementation of project activities has been modified to the direction of the company-formulated projects, as well as interdisciplinary projects, where the education is student-centered.

Methodology and research methods. When writing this article, the scientific basic method of theoretical and empirical research was used: methods of monographic research, questionnaire survey, methods of working with specialized software products, Internet sources, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, and deduction.


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