
This study aims at presenting a literature review on four factors; attitude, instructional methods, students’ misconception, and teachers’ qualification that contribute to low academic performance of students in physics. Physics is one of the most fundamental natural sciences which involves the study of universal laws, and of the behaviors and relationships among a wide range of physical phenomena. Research has shown that both teachers and students’ attitude towards physics is a major reason for low academic performance in subjects across the globe. Naki (2018) argued that attitudes such as procrastination have a greater impact on students’ achievement. The attitudes of students towards physics, the thoughts and beliefs about the course, the habits of studying and constantly postponing tendency are very influential. Boabeng et al. (2014) opine that the quality of the teachers implementing a curriculum has a greater effect on the academic performance of students. Regardless of how well-resourced the school is or how extensive the curriculum is, teaching methods also have a significant impact on students’ academic progress as well as how easier for a misconception is to be dispelled. When the finest teaching strategies are employed, physics teachers can have a significant positive impact on students’ knowledge hence good performance.


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