Development of Mathematics Learning Media for Multiplication Material Based on Macromedia Director MX
Learning media is one of the tools that make it easier for teachers to teach the material to students. Learning mathematics using media can activate students and provide a more learning experience. However, the development of mathematics learning media for multiplication material has not been carried out. This study aims to determine the development of mathematics learning media for multiplication materials based on Macromedia Director MX. This research was carried out using the Research & Development (R & D) method using the development procedure model from Dick and Carry, namely the ADDIE (Analysis, Design Development, Implementation, Evaluation), development model with a limit to the ADD stage. In the design stage, the preparation of the learning material flow is carried out, as the preparation of the structural framework, the preparation of the outlines of the content of the learning media, and the determination of evaluation. In the development stage, the creation of learning media using Macromedia Director MX is carried out. The development of mathematics learning media for multiplication material based on Macromedia Director MX has been carried out. Based on the data obtained from the validation results by material experts and media experts, it can be seen that the developed media meets the ideal score by making several revisions to the suggestions given by the validator. This research uses Macromedia Director MX as a basis for the development of mathematics learning media multiplication material.
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