Disciplinary Roles of the Deputy Principal that Enhance Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools: A Study of Secondary Schools in Bungoma South Sub-County, Kenya
The administrative duties performed by the deputy principals tend to obscure their academic responsibilities. The purpose of this study was to explore the deputy principals’ disciplinary role in enhancing students’ academic performance in secondary schools, in Bungoma South Sub-County, Kenya. A student’s academic performance is the sum of all curriculum implementation achievements as depicted from formative, continuous and summative evaluations, both internal and external. This study was necessitated by the need for an elaborate framework that could recognize the disciplinary functions of the deputy principal’s office in secondary schools that occasion academic success. The study was grounded on Hargreaves’ Capital Theory of School Effectiveness and Improvement of 2001. From the findings, there was an equivalent 79.55% agreement with suggested academic performance enhancement indicators. The Pearson’s correlational coefficients between the independent variables and the dependent variable ranged between 0.005 at 0.01 confidence level and 0.023 to 0.029 at 0.05 confidence level. This implied that a significant correlation between students’ academic performance and the disciplinary role of deputy principals in secondary schools in the Bungoma South sub-county was found to exist. The findings of the study have implications for policy, research, and practice.
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