Implementation of the Bilingual Model in Primary, Middle and High School Levels
The purpose of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of bilingual education, taking into account the methodological and organizational issues. The methodological issues include the issues of goal setting, teaching principles and selected methods and pedagogical technologies. The correlation of disciplines in the curriculum, as well as the problems of educational and methodological support for bilingual study of individual disciplines can be considered as issues of organizational nature. The analysis of the problem field of research shows that the prevailing processes of globalization and digitalization of society lead to changes in the requirements to the types and level of development of professional and universal competences of graduates at all levels of education. In Russia, as in many countries, there is a growing demand for bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in English and, accordingly, for bilingual education in schools and colleges with active use of English. The novelty of the work lies in the description of the real experience of modernization of the educational process in the educational institution in the implementation of the bilingual model of learning in both primary and basic and secondary general education. Research methodology and methods: in writing the article the methods of induction and deduction, methods of comparative analysis and synthesis of information, the analysis of various forms of questionnaire survey were used.
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