
The ecological approach is very appropriate for understanding mental, psychosocial, and linguistic development. The aims of this study is to describe the perceptions of sociocultural ecology in agro-industrial societies and their impact on scientific writing competence. Data were obtained by observation and questionnaires on 90 students at the University of Jember as student representatives with an agro-industry environment and their involvement in research and learning texts about agro-industry in the field of writing. The results show that there are groups with high sociocultural ecological perception and knowledge values and groups with low perception and knowledge values. To see the urgency of perception and knowledge of scientific writing competence, these students took a writing test and then the results were examined in terms of reasoning, text organization skills, and procedural knowledge. After the statistical tests were carried out, it was concluded that the perception and knowledge of the agro-industry macrosystem had a significant effect on students' reasoning abilities, significance (sig) 0.032 <0.05; does not have a significant effect on text organization competence with a significance value (sig) 0.067 > 0.05; and has a significant effect on procedural knowledge with a significance value (sig) 0.032 <0.05. These results indicate that the scientific productive competence of language with an ecological approach from the macrosystem aspect needs to pay attention to creativity. Greater efforts are needed to improve the development of writing on the components of unity, continuity, completeness, sequence, and point of view consistency.


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