Literacy Curriculum Development for Basic Science and Management Science in Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Curriculum development is an essential part of activities carried out for students in school, which cannot be overlooked. It is carried out to help students to cope with discoveries and other definite activities in their lives. Literacy curriculum development is all about acquiring skills, applied, practiced and socially situated for learning and teaching processes. The purpose of the study is to examine the concept of literacy curriculum development, the factors guiding literacy curriculum development and the importance of literacy curriculum development to education. Specifically, the study reviews studies that impact teaching and learning in schools, and the factors influencing literacy curriculum development. This study is significant because literacy curriculum development would influence qualitative standards in education in the country. It would also improve the confidence of students and teachers of Basic Science and Management Science. The conclusion drawn for the paper is that literacy in curriculum development should be seen as a major step, which would provide solution to educational problems by incorporating the new developments in the society. It would also contribute greatly to the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the classroom.
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