Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Model in Chemistry Learning: Students’ Perceptions
Project Based Learning is one of the learning models that can be chosen by teachers in learning activities. This study aims to determine student perceptions as well as chemistry teachers on the Project Based Learning model in chemistry subjects. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. The research population is the chemistry education students of Universitas Terbuka. The results of the questionnaire dimension of teachers showed a score of 67.28, meaning that they agreed about teachers’ creativity. On the dimensions of infrastructure, the score shows 72.26, which means that respondents agree about the need for learning resources. The curriculum dimension shows a score of 82.91, which means that they strongly agree with problem-solving in daily life. The dimensions of the students showed a score of 72.97, meaning that the respondents agreed with the support for 21st-century skills. Overall, this study illustrates the positive perception of chemistry education students at the Universitas Terbuka about the Project Based Learning model, thus providing an overview for educational institutions to equip prospective teachers with the learning models. The results of the study also provide knowledge to chemistry teachers about the Project Based Learning model.
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