
Reading the Quran is one of the competencies that every Muslim should have. The Arabic-language Al-Quran certainly has different character traits, lafadz, and lahjah from Indonesian pronunciation. Therefore, to read the Qur’an, it is necessary to study about those characters systematically and with the right method. In the field of Human Resources for lecturers and employees according to the standards set at Muhammadiyah Higher Education, there are several of them, namely: Al-Quran Reading Skills, Quality and Quantity of Memorizing a Number of Al-Quran Surahs, Accuracy of Worship According to Tarjih, and Islamic Insights. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of tahsin Al Quran mentoring (peer tutoring) to increase the competence in reading the Koran of the Muhammadiyah Palembang Institute of Health Sciences and Technology employees. This research used quantitative approach through a questionnaire about reading the Koran using 4 aspects of assessment, namely reading accuracy, makharijul letters, shifatul letters and tajwid. The population was all employees at the Muhammadiyah Palembang Institute of Health Sciences and Technology.The research had been conducted on 134 respondents with the characteristics of respondents based on age, the majority aged >45 years were 71 (53.0%), 30–45 years were 60 (44.8%), based on female gender 81 (60, 4%), The highest education was undergraduate degree 2 as much as 71 (53%) and high school 31 (23.1%). Based on the results of the ability to read the Qur’an before the implementation of Tahsin mentoring, a minimum score was 45 and a maximum score was 90. The average score was 74.25 and the median was 75, while the standard deviation was 8,653 and the standard error was 0.747. The competence to read the Qur’an after the implementation of Tahsin mentoring was known to have a minimum score of 45 and a maximum score of 95, with an average score of 79.81, a median of 80, while the standard deviation was 10.101 and the standard error was 0.873. It was concluded that the implementation of the Al Quran mentoring program was proven to be able to improve the quality of reading the Koran for employees of the Muhammadiyah Palembang Institute of Health Sciences and Technology.


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