
The theory of students’ approaches to learning makes direct contributions to the teaching-learning process. For instance, it provides a conceptual repertoire that helps improve the teacher’s pedagogical practice and the student’s self-assessment of their own learning. Despite its contributions, the field of approaches has an important limitation: the measurement of its constructs is carried out exclusively by self-report tests. Although these measures have brought advances to the field, self-report is permeated by important biases that impair the quality of measurement. Considering this limitation, the Laboratory for Cognitive Architecture Research (LAICO) has initiated an agenda to develop performance-based tests for the measurement of approaches. The Approach-in-Process Test Version 2 is part of this agenda. It is a performance-based test that measures approach in the context of school/academic learning. In addition to the performance-based measurement, the test has two self-report measurements. The first measures the student’s perception of the impact of certain lessons on his or her deep approach to learning. The second measures the student’s perception of how often he or she manifests the deep approach to learning. The test items for the self-report measurements are multiple choice, while the items for the performance measure are open-ended in nature and require a correction guide. This paper presents, for the first time, the Correction Guide for the Approach-in-Process Test Version 2. In this paper, all the structural components of the correction guide are shown as well as its application to the specific content “we have no direct access to reality” taught in a particular university discipline. Applications of the Correction Guide in other teaching contents will be presented in future publications. They will show that the Approach-in-Process Test Version 2 can be applied and corrected in the diversity of school/academic contents.


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