An Implication of Probing and Prompting Questions for Argumentation Writing Skills
This article provides a basis for thinking that probing and prompting in learning to write can support the ability to develop arguments. Theoretical hypotheses of this research are (1) Probing and prompting can be strategic ways or steps that teachers can take to improve reasoning and strengthening in critical thinking, (2) Argumentation is a discourse learner that needs to be trained with reasoning and strengthening critical thinking. This research has been carried out by applying inferential statistical tests to see the significance of probing-prompting questions on the ability to write arguments. Based on the results of non-parametric statistical tests with the Mann Whitney t-test technique, the results obtained sig 0.000<0.05. Based on this description, the results of this study state that there is a significant effect of using probing-prompting questions on the argumentation writing skills of junior high school students. Probing and prompting questions have a significant impact on writing skills which are carried out with evaluations in the form of basic questions and prompting questions applied by the teacher. The implications published through the application of probing and prompting questions are an increase in the ability in causality, truth fact disclosure, and logical sentences connection and diction. This shows that probing and prompting can be recommended as an innovative step in argumentation learning.
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